shapes the future

We focus our R&D efforts to ride on exponential technologies of AI, blockchain, loT and Big Data that drive transformation in every sector.

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Big Data

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Agile Excellence with
Extreme Programming
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powered by Extreme Programming (XP) methodologies.

NDN Insight

What Are Five Mega Trends for Next Decade

Waves of exponential technological innovation are stacking atop one another and doubtlessly there will be exciting technological advancement in the coming the next decade. Countries and businesses can invest their resources and time to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Wireless Technology, Robotics Automation, and the application of Nanotechnology in healthcare in the coming decade.

3 Big Opportunities To Seize During Economic Downturn

An economic downturn can often spur businesses to greater heights. When economic downturn hits global economy amid the coronavirus, long-term success is predicated on enterprises leaders’ capabilities to see through the crisis of economic downturn and seize the business growth opportunities.

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